Articles by Dr Bart Dingenen

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Test-retest reliability and discriminative ability of forward, medial and rotational single-leg hop tests
Issue 23 (October 2019)
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Runners with patellofemoral pain exhibit greater peak patella cartilage stress compared to pain-free runners
Issue 5 (April 2018)
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The relationship between hip muscle strength and dynamic knee valgus in asymptomatic females: A systematic review
Issue 9 (August 2018)
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Dr Bart Dingenen

Sport Physiotherapist, PhD

Bart Dingenen (physical therapist, PhD) currently combines academic postdoctoral position at Hasselt University (Belgium) with clinical work as a sport physical therapist in a private clinical practice (Motion to Balance, Genk). He is mainly interested in strategies to optimize prevention and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries of the lower extremity. Bart is consulted all over the world on these topics for various organsations. He is the author of the popular online course "ACL injuries: from theory to practice" in collaboration with Physiotutors.