Check out our FAQs below. If you do not find what you're looking for, please contact us directly.
My account
How can I add my work colleagues?
In your members section you will find a button saying ‘Connected accounts’. Here you will find a link to share with your staff.
Once they register, return to 'Connected accounts' to approve their requests.
Does your staff or colleague already have an account?
If they do, they can log in to their account, go to the 'My Account' section, and click on 'Join Organization'. To join, they will need your PN ID, which you can find under 'My Profile' when you are logged in (and in your 'My Account' section). Please share your PN ID with them so they can complete this process.
How do I reset my password?
In your members section you will find a button saying ‘Update account’, here you can change your password.
How do I change my card details?
In your members section you will find a button saying ‘Billing & invoices’, follow this link and the button ‘visit’ to change your card details.
If you have any trouble contact us here or email us at info@physio-network.com.
Where can I find my invoices?
Inside the members area you will see a ‘Billing & Invoices’ tab on the left, follow this link to view and download your invoices.
Subscriptions & trials
How does the trial work?
Simply subscribe to a yearly membership to the Research Reviews or Masterclass, enjoy the premium content, and if you don’t like what you see - you can cancel anytime before your free 7 days has passed and you won’t be charged.
NB: The free trial ends exactly 7 days from when you signed up. For example if you signed up at 10:05am on Sunday (your local time) it will end at 10:05am the following Sunday (your local time).
When will I be charged?
If you purchased a yearly plan with a trial, you will be charged after 7-days. If you purchase a monthly plan (available for our Research Reviews service only), you will be charged immediately.
Do subscriptions auto-renew?
All subscriptions will automatically renew every month or year depending on which plan is chosen. If you cancel your plan it will not auto-renew, and will end once the period you have paid for is over.
Can I get a Clinic or Group subscription?
More and more practices, organisations and groups are joining Physio Network to keep up to date. Our Research Review service offers subscriptions for up to 10 people here.
Our Masterclass offers the same here.
If you would like a quote for more than 10 people please message us here.
How can I cancel my trial or subscription?
If you signed up via the website:
In your account upon logging in, you will see a ‘billing & invoices’ tab. Click on this you will see where to cancel. If you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged.
If you signed up via the app:
1. Open the 'settings' app in your phone
2. Tap your name
3. Tap subscriptions
4. Tap Physio Network
5. Tap cancel subscription
If you cancel during the trial period you will not be charged.
Can I upgrade from a monthly subscription to a yearly?
Yes you can! If you want to upgrade to a yearly subscription on our Research review service, simply follow the instructions via the ‘billing and invoices’ section in your members area.
What are the benefits?
- Save 30% (Only $119 per year compared to paying $179 per year as a monthly member)
- Access EXCLUSIVE bonus content (online presentations, videos and more)
- Download and print ALL previous issues
Can I get a student discount on my subscription?
Students can get 20% off of their subscription for our Research Review service, information on this can be found here.
For the Research Review service, is the full text of each study provided?
Due to copyright laws we are unfortunately not able to provide the full text of all studies reviewed. Some studies are available full text, and when they are we provide a link to them at the end of the review. For those that aren’t, we still provide a reference and link to the abstract at the end of the review. Readers can use this reference to search and purchase the article if they wish.
Which countries is your continuing education content approved in?
Our content can be used for CPD/CEU points/hours in Australia, UK, USA (43 states - see below for details), Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Austria, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong and more.
USA - Our content is approved for CEUs in all states apart from Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia. People from these states may use the guidance HERE to apply for individual approval for our content. We can provide you with materials to submit for this.
How do I register my CPD hours in Australia?
The time taken to read an issue of the Research Reviews, watch a Masterclass, watch a Practical or watch a Case Study, and successfully pass it’s linked quiz can be recorded as CPD.
In your CPD portfolio document (click here for a PDF of the CPD guidelines), under 'non-formal and incidental activities', under 'activity', for the Research Reviews write 'read reviews on 12 recent research articles in the ____ issue of the Physio Network Research Reviews
- Time - The amount of time you spent
- Provider - Physio Network
- Reflections - Key takeaways you picked up from the issue
This same process above can be used for Masterclass, Practicals, and Case Studies.
NB: You can download and/or print certificates gained after completing each quiz for your records.
How do I obtain CEUs for your online education in the USA?
Our content is approved for CEUs in all states apart from Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia. People from these states may use the guidance HERE to apply for individual approval for our content. We can provide you with materials to submit for this.
For people in the 43 states we are approved in, CEUs for our content are pre-approved or will be accepted for credit toward licensure renewal (by regulatory reciprocity).
Research Reviews - Each monthly issue is approved for 1 CEU point/hour.
Masterclass - Each Masterclass is approved for 2-3 CEU points/hours.
Practicals - Each Practical is approved for 1 CEU point/hour.
Case Studies - Each Case Study is approved for 1 CEU point/hour.
Physio Network is an approved provider of continuing education for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants in California (CA) by Redefine Health Education, a recognized approval agency of the Physical Therapy Board of CA. Physio Network is a rule-approved provider of the Physical Therapy Board of Florida (#50-45364). Physio Network is a licensed CE sponsor of physical therapy continuing education by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR #216.000389). Physiotherapy Research PTY LTD dba Physio Network is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved sponsor of PT/PTA continuing education. Physio Network is a rule-approved provider of the Physical Therapy Board of Oklahoma (#50-45364). Physio Network courses are approved by the APTA Arkansas.
How do I register my CPD hours in the UK?
Research Reviews
The time taken to read an issue of research reviews and successfully pass it’s linked quiz can be recorded as CPD.
You can use the information provided in this document (https://www.hcpc-uk.org/globalassets/resources/guidance/continuing-professional-development-and-your-registration.pdf) by the HCPC to help guide and record your CPD, as required for an audit.
Research Reviews can be used for the CPD activities 'Self directed learning', also as a part of 'Work based learning' such a 'Journal Club', for 'Reflective practice' or 'In service training'. By completing the quiz produced for each issue, you can use the certificates of completion as supporting evidence.
Masterclass, Practicals and Case Studies
The very same information can be applied for Masterclass, Practicals and Case Studies. For example, watching a 2 hour Masterclass can be recorded as 2 hours of ‘Self directed learning’. And a 1 hour Practical can be recorded as 1 hour of ‘Self directed learning’. Our quizzes for each Masterclass/Practical/Case Study encourage reflection and retention of information. With this each quiz can also be recorded as CPD time.
NB: For either Research Reviews, Masterclass, Practicals or Case Studies you can gain certificates after completing each quiz, downloading and/or printing them for your records.
How many CPD/CEU hours can I obtain with my 12 month subscription?
Each monthly Research Review issue counts for 1 hour/point, therefore 12 points per year.
Each Masterclass counts for 2+ hours/points, therefore 24+ hours/points per year.
Each Practical counts for 1 hour/point, therefore 12 points per year.
Each Case Study counts for 1 hour/point, therefore 12 points per year.
Can Physio Network's online education count towards CEUs for an athletic trainer?
The Research Reviews, Masterclasses, Practicals and Case Studies can count towards CEUs for Athletic Trainers through the BOC, under category D here.
Can Physio Network's online education count for CPD for Exercise Physiologists?
Our Research Reviews, Masterclasses, Practicals and Case Studies have been verified with ESSA to count for 5 points under the Self education category.
Physio Network provides benefits to ESSA members, check on their website for more details.
Do the research reviews count for CECs for personal trainers through Fitness Australia?
They can count for up to 10 CECs for a level 3 AusREP and up to 4 CECs for a level 2 AusREP, over a two year period, falling under the 'Affiliated education' category in the guideline document linked below. This is because we are approved by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA): https://bp-fitnessaustralia-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/uploaded_file/file/412164/20190830-CEC-Guidelines-v2.0.pdf
Can I take each Masterclass whenever I want?
You can complete each Masterclass at your own pace. You have unlimited access to all classes once you are a member.
Can I watch the content on my mobile?
Yes you can! The same goes for your tablet.
Can I download the videos?
The Masterclass lectures are not available to download, however you can watch them any time across your devices.