
Mike Studer

Oregon, USA

Dr. Studer has been a PT since 1991, an NCS since 1995. Dr. Studer was the founder and operator of Northwest Rehabilitation Associates in Oregon for 18 years and is now a co-founder and co-owner of Spark Rehabilitation and Wellness in Bend, OR. He is an adjunct professor at Touro University and additional appointment at UNLV. Dr. Studer assists the USC-led national network of neurologic PT residencies (Neuroconsortium) as well.  Mike was recognized as the 2011 Clinician of the Year in the Neurologic and (in 2014) the Geriatric Academies of the APTA. He is well-traveled presenting invited lectures in all 50 states and 12 countries across 4 continents. Dr. Studer received the highest honor available in PT in 2020, being distinguished as a Fellow of the APTA in 2020. Dr. Studer has authored over 40 articles, 7 book chapters, and is a consultant to Major League Baseball. Most recently, Mike authored The Brain That Chooses Itself, a practical and applications-based guide to increasing both healthspan and lifespan for laypersons and medical professionals alike.