Articles by Dr Teddy Willsey

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The load borne by the Achilles tendon during exercise: a systematic review of normative values
Issue 62 (January 2023)
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Rehabilitation and return to play of the athlete after an upper extremity injury
Issue 61 (December 2022)
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Effects of Copenhagen adduction exercise on muscle architecture and adductor flexibility
Issue 58 (September 2022)
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Muscle force contributions to anterior cruciate ligament loading
Issue 55 (June 2022)
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Dr Teddy Willsey

Maryland, USA

Dr. Teddy Willsey is a sports medicine focused physical therapist and private practice owner in Rockville, Maryland. Teddy has an interest in working with high level athletes and return to sport rehab. In addition to practicing PT, Teddy speaks and teaches publicly, writes and blogs regularly, and posts on social media daily.