Articles by Dr Ian Gatt

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The impact of wrist fractures on long-term basketball performance
Issue 82 (September 2024)
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The effect of mirror therapy in the rehabilitation of flexor tendon injuries after primary surgical repair
Issue 79 (June 2024)
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Diagnostic value of MRI in traumatic triangular fibrocartilage complex injuries: a retrospective study
Issue 76 (March 2024)
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Conservative management of a suspected triangular fibrocartilage complex injury utilizing strength training exercises: a case report
Issue 73 (December 2023)
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Long-term outcome of local steroid injections versus surgery in carpal tunnel syndrome: observational extension of a randomized clinical trial
Issue 70 (September 2023)
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Psychological sequelae of hand injuries: an integrative review
Issue 67 (June 2023)
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Overall effects and moderators of rehabilitation in patients with wrist fracture: a systematic review
Issue 64 (March 2023)
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Evaluation of a grip-strengthening algorithm for the initial treatment of chronic, nonspecific wrist pain in adolescents
Issue 61 (December 2022)
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The presentation, diagnosis and management of non-traumatic wrist pain: an evaluation of current practice in secondary care in the UK NHS
Issue 58 (September 2022)
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Dr Ian Gatt

Physiotherapist, PhDc

Ian is the Head of Performance & Lead Physiotherapist for GB Boxing, with 20+ years of experience in a variety of sports. He is an Upper Limb Injury Specialist with the English Institute of Sport, with a keen interest in Hands & Wrists. Further, he provides private consultations on the Upper Limb. Ian has a passion for teaching delivering regular workshops, webinars, and at conferences on diverse topics linked to Upper Limb sport injuries.