Articles by Dr Julia Treleaven

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The CROM-VAS Test: a novel and reliable clinical test to assess immediate pain relief following treatment for movement-evoked neck pain
Issue 85 (December 2024)
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Effectiveness of neural mobilisation for the treatment of nerve-related cervicobrachial pain: a systematic review with subgroup meta-analysis
Issue 73 (December 2023)
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The cervical spine in tension type headache
Issue 70 (September 2023)
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Neck-shoulder region training for chronic headache in women: a randomized controlled trial
Issue 67 (June 2023)
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Understanding barriers to adherence to home exercise programs in patients with musculoskeletal neck pain
Issue 64 (March 2023)
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Dr Julia Treleaven

Physiotherapist, PhD
Brisbane, Australia

Julia is a Lecturer and Researcher at the University of Queensland. She has been researching neck pain since 2000 and in 2004 completed her PhD focusing on the necks influence on sensorimotor control. She has continued her research in this area in idiopathic neck pain, headache, and post concussion. She has over 90 publications in this area, written several book chapters and is an author of the book “Management of neck disorders- an evidenced based approach”. Julia works part-time as a physiotherapist in a private practice managing patients such as those with, whiplash, cervicogenic dizziness and post concussion syndrome.