Articles by Dr Chris Bleakley

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Effect of varied dorsiflexion range of motion on landing biomechanics in chronic ankle instability
Issue 70 (September 2023)
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Evidence-based treatment choices for acute lateral ankle sprain: a comprehensive systematic review
Issue 67 (June 2023)
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Diagnostic accuracy of the Ottawa ankle rule to exclude fractures in acute ankle injuries in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Issue 64 (March 2023)
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The influence of therapeutic exercise after ankle sprain on the incidence of subsequent knee, hip, and lumbar spine injury
Issue 61 (December 2022)
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Injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises reduce ankle injury rates among soccer players: a systematic review
Issue 58 (September 2022)
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Dr Chris Bleakley

Physiotherapist, Professor, PhD

Dr Chris Bleakley is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Senior Lecturer in the Ulster University. He is a leading academic physiotherapist and has published extensively in the field of ankle injuries. Chris enjoys teaching research methods to health science students, and he continues his clinical work at the RE:Play Physiotherapy Clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland