Articles by Dr Sarah Haag

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Effectiveness of exercise interventions for preventing neck pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Issue 72 (November 2023)
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Red flags to screen for vertebral fracture in people presenting with low back pain
Issue 71 (October 2023)
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The effects of the mirror therapy on shoulder function in patients with breast cancer following surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Issue 70 (September 2023)
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Low back pain of disc, sacroiliac joint, or facet joint origin: a diagnostic accuracy systematic review
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Dr Sarah Haag

Chicago, USA

Sarah Haag is a physiotherapist and co-owner of Entropy Physiotherapy and Wellness in Chicago. At Entropy, Sarah specializes in women’s and men’s health, and on treating the spine and pelvis. She received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy and Masters of Science in Women’s Health from Rosalind Franklin University in 2008. In 2009 she was awarded a Board Certification as a specialist in women’s health (WCS). While not yet a researcher, she enjoys hanging out with researchers to shorten the gap between research and clinical application.