Reliability of direct and indirect measures of intrinsic foot muscle strength in adults: a systematic review

Review written by Dr Melinda Smith info

Key Points

  1. There is no standard, widely accepted method of measuring foot strength, with several protocols described in the literature.
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The intrinsic foot muscles are a group of muscles that reside within the foot (both anatomical attachments located in the foot). These muscles support the adaptive mechanical behavior of the foot by adding or removing energy to respond to the varying demands of the body (1). Although we don’t yet understand causality, deficits in intrinsic foot muscle size and strength have been reported in several clinical populations. Considering their crucial contributions to foot function, identifying reliable methods to measure these muscles in the clinical setting is important.

The aim of this systematic review was to provide an overview of the intrinsic foot muscle strength evaluation methods with their protocols and corresponding reliability.

The intrinsic foot muscles support the adaptive mechanical behavior of the foot by adding or removing energy to respond to the varying demands of the body.
Dynamometry is probably more readily accessible and implemented in most clinical settings.


  • Prospectively registered with PROSPERO (ID: 307121) and reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) checklist
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