Tensor fascia latae muscle structure and activation in individuals with lower limb musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review and meta‑analysis

Review written by Todd Hargrove info

Key Points

  1. This review found no convincing evidence to support the belief that TFL dysfunction is a cause of lower limb musculoskeletal problems.
All key points available for members only


Many therapists believe that dysfunction of the tensor fascia latae (TFL) muscle can cause or contribute to musculoskeletal pain. To investigate this topic further, the authors of this paper conducted a systematic review of research examining whether there are differences in the activation and structure of the TFL muscle in individuals with and without lower limb musculoskeletal conditions.

Many therapists believe that dysfunction of the TFL can cause or contribute to musculoskeletal pain.
It is questionable whether clinicians should focus much attention on changing the behavior of the TFL as a way to treat pain.


The authors did a comprehensive search for studies that directly investigated the structure or activity of the TFL muscle in individuals with and without lower limb musculoskeletal conditions. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINHAL and LILACS databases were searched for papers from year

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