The effects of facilitatory and inhibitory kinesiotaping of vastus medialis on the activation and fatigue of superficial quadriceps muscles

Review written by Todd Hargrove info

Key Points

  1. The application of kinesiotape to the vastus medialis had no effect on muscle activity or fatigue of the knee extensors during exercise.
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It has been claimed that kinesiotape (KT) can facilitate or inhibit muscle activity depending on how it is applied to the body.

This study examined the effect of inhibitory and facilitatory taping on muscle activity and fatigue levels of the knee extensors during a dynamic fatigue protocol.

It has been claimed that kinesiotape can facilitate or inhibit muscle activity depending on how it is applied to the body.
Kinesiotaping did not affect muscle activity and fatigue of the knee extensors during a dynamic fatigue protocol.


  • 17 college athletes performed four dynamic fatigue protocols for the knee extensors under four different conditions: No KT Inhibitory KT Facilitatory KT Sham KT
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