The influence, barriers to and facilitators of anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation adherence and participation: a scoping review

Review written by Dr Linda Truong info

Key Points

  1. Minimal to moderately supervised rehabilitation programs that last greater than 6 months appear to be as effective as highly supervised programs.
All key points available for members only


It is well known that adherence rates to exercise therapy in musculoskeletal conditions are poor (1,2). Successful rehabilitation from anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) will require individuals to adhere to exercise therapy for up to 2 years following their ACL tear. This scoping review was conducted to determine a) the influence of rehabilitation and participation on outcomes after ACLR; b) barriers and facilitators to adherence and participation in ACL rehabilitation; and c) ways to help facilitate adherence and participation in ACL rehabilitation.

Adherence rates to exercise therapy in musculoskeletal conditions are generally poor.
The most effective rehabilitation program is useless if individuals do not complete it.


A scoping review was conducted to synthesize evidence on studies capturing ACLR rehabilitation adherence and participation. Included studies had to:

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