From tissue to system: what constitutes an appropriate response to loading?

Review written by Dr Travis Pollen info

Key Points

  1. This narrative review described typical recovery time frames of tissues (muscle, tendon, bone, and cartilage) and systems (central nervous system) in response to loading of varying intensities and volumes.
All key points available for members only


Tissues and systems within the body exhibit varied responses to loading. This narrative review describes the typical responses of muscles, tendons, bones, cartilage, and the central nervous system to different intensities and volumes of loading. Specifically, it addresses recovery time frames for each tissue and system. Based on these considerations, the authors made programming recommendations to guide rehabilitation and training.

The objective of this narrative review is to determine the “typical” tissue response to loading schema and demonstrate the complex interaction among training intensity, volume, and frequency.

Tissues and systems within the body exhibit varied responses to loading.
Muscle, as well as the central nervous system, can require three or more days to recover from intensive anaerobic activity and rapid eccentric muscle actions (e.g. sprinting).


The authors searched PubMed with the following terms: training, load, exercise, intensity, volume, frequency, athlete, patient, tissue, muscle, tendon, bone, cartilage, response, and recovery. They operationally defined recovery as “readiness to receive a similar training stimulus without deleterious local and/or

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