The role of movement in physical therapist clinical reasoning

Review written by Dr Travis Pollen info

Key Points

  1. A more explicit description of the connection between movement and clinical reasoning could speed up the learning process for physical therapy students and new clinicians.
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Movement and clinical reasoning are fundamental to the expert practice of physical therapy (1), yet the relationship between the two is not well described (2). A more explicit description of the connection between movement and clinical reasoning could speed up the learning process for physical therapy students and new clinicians.

This qualitative descriptive study aimed to describe how physical therapists (PTs) use movement in clinical reasoning.

Movement and clinical reasoning are fundamental to the expert practice of physical therapy, yet the relationship between the two is not well described.
When assessing movement, clinicians should ask themselves how the patient is moving qualitatively, why they’re moving that way, and how they can support or adapt that movement to improve function.


  • 32 PTs with an average of 15±11 years of experience participated.
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