“I wish I knew then what I know now” - pain science education concepts important for female persistent pelvic pain: a reflexive thematic analysis

Review written by Dr Sarah Haag info

Key Points

  1. Pain Science Education may be helpful to include in a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan for women with persistent pelvic pain.
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Persistent pelvic pain impacts approximately 26% of females worldwide (1) and has a negative impact on the quality of life for those who have the diagnosis. Despite the complexity of persistent pelvic pain, guidelines often recommend a biomedical approach to treatment (2) and results are often suboptimal.

Pain science education (PSE) may have a role in the treatment of persistent pelvic pain, and this study aimed to identify PSE concepts considered important by female individuals who improved or recovered from pelvic pain.

Persistent pelvic pain impacts approximately 26% of females worldwide.
Applying concepts of validation, reassurance, enablement, and empowerment for women with persistent pelvic pain may lead to successful treatment of persistent pelvic pain.


  • Semi structured interviews were conducted with 20 adult females who self-identified as having improved pelvic pain.
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