2022 Bern consensus statement on shoulder injury prevention, rehabilitation, and return to sport for athletes at all participation levels

Review written by Dr Angela Cadogan info

Key Points

  1. Rehabilitation should be performance-focused and be based upon shared decision-making with the athlete, medical, physiotherapy, strength and conditioning and performance personnel.
All key points available for members only


Shoulder symptoms are common in both contact and non-contact sports. Shoulder injuries can have a significant impact on the ability to train and perform at the optimal level and result in career-limiting consequences for some athletes (2). Sportfisio Swiss (the Swiss Sports Physiotherapy Association) identified a lack of quality evidence to guide injury risk management and return to sport decisions for athletes post-injury. Supported by the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT), they convened a consensus development group and produced a principle-based framework for use in all sports to help guide physiotherapy and performance staff in managing athletes with shoulder pain.

Shoulder injuries can have a significant impact on the ability to train and perform at the optimal level and result in career-limiting consequences for some athletes.
End-stage rehabilitation exercises should be informed by a thorough needs-analysis of the sport and incorporate appropriate functional progressions.


A modified Delphi process was used that included questions relating to themes identified from existing research and practice guidelines for two groups: overhead/throwing athletes and collision athletes.

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