0 Masterclasses
19 Research Reviews
2 Blog Posts
The presentation, diagnosis and management of non-traumatic wrist pain: an evaluation of current practice in secondary care in the UK NHS
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 58 (September 2022)
(Golden Oldie) Let’s get a hand on this: review of the clinical anatomy of “knuckle cracking”
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 55 (June 2022)
Preventive strategies, exercises and rehabilitation of hand neuropathy in cyclists: a systematic review
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 52 (March 2022)
Effects of a progressive resistance exercise program in patients with hand osteoarthritis: a randomized, controlled trial with a blinded assessor
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 49 (December 2021)
Carpometacarpal fracture-dislocations: a retrospective review of injury characteristics and radiographic outcomes
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 46 (September 2021)
Return to sport after metacarpal and phalangeal fractures: a systematic review and evidence appraisal
Dr Ian Gatt
Issue 43 (June 2021)
Neurodynamic techniques versus ‘Sham’ therapy in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome – A randomized placebo controlled trial
Todd Hargrove
Issue 5 (April 2018)