2 Masterclasses
44 Research Reviews
31 Blog Posts
Hamstring muscle-tendon geometric adaptations to resistance training using the hip extension and Nordic hamstring exercises
Adam Johnson
Issue 85 (December 2024)
Hamstrings hypertrophy is specific to the training exercise: Nordic hamstring versus lengthened state eccentric training
Dr Teddy Willsey
Issue 81 (August 2024)
Individual distribution of muscle hypertrophy among hamstring muscle heads: adding muscle volume where you need is not so simple
Dr Nicholas Rolnick
Issue 78 (May 2024)
What are we aiming for in eccentric hamstring training: angle-specific control or supramaximal stimulus?
Dr Teddy Willsey
Issue 71 (October 2023)
Risk factors for hamstring muscle injury in male elite football: medical expert experience and conclusions from 15 European Champions League clubs
Adam Johnson
Issue 70 (September 2023)
Reduced match exposure in the previous 2 matches accounts for hamstring muscle injury incidence in professional football players
Dr Jarred Boyd
Issue 69 (August 2023)