A short thread 🧵 on exercise selection for subacromial pain

2 min read. Posted in Shoulder
Written by Physio Network info
  1. Here’s a short thread on exercise selection for subacromial pain. It’s based on this excellent Research Review by Dr Jarod Hall.
  2. Subacromial pain syndrome (SAPS) is a common shoulder condition often characterized by rotator cuff muscle weakness and pain reported from, or worsened by, repetitive overhead activities.


  3. Evidence supports an exercise-based approach to alleviate pain and improve function for patients with SAPS. Over the last decade, scapular focused treatment has become widely used for the rehabilitation process of a painful shoulder.


  4. A recent study (1) wanted to determine the effect of adding scapular stabilization exercises to a progressive periscapular strengthening protocol on disability, pain, muscle strength, and ROM in patients with SAPS.


  5. Participants were randomly allocated into two treatment groups. The patients allocated to the SSG performed the same six periscapular strengthening exercises applied to PSG, as well as an additional six scapular stabilization exercises. See the exercises below.


  6. The exercises listed in Table 2 can also be seen in the video below.
  7. At the conclusion of the study, there were no differences among the mean values for pain, kinesiophobia, global perceived effect, ROM, and muscle strength between the two groups during all of the follow-up periods.
  8. These findings call into question the common clinical focus on assessing scapular position/movement during upper extremity motions.
  9. Thanks for reading!

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  • SmartPT Online

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    SmartPT Online | 21 September 2022 | Likes

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